Emagicone Store Manager For Open |TOP|
I upgraded my version of the Store Manager for PrestaShop to 2.54.0(Build 2185). When I try to open the StoreManager I receive an error saying "You have problem with your database. Please check all the tables available in your database or check database configuration." I then click "Open Preferences" which takes me to a window where I can test the connection to my store. When I test the bridge connection, the store connects and there are no errors.
Emagicone Store Manager For Open
I have cleaned the windows registry, I have re-registered store manager. I have tried all three connection options in store manager.Everything gives me ok, when I try the option "get data from the web", the error window appears. I am using the 15 days version, to test store manager, I have 10 days left and I could not test the program.Any suggestion?Thank you.
The store manager app supports all product types, so you will see an additional Variations tab when you select a variable product. In that tab, you can see all attributes and variations. Also, there you can generate variants for your product massively.